If we go to recent past two or three decades back we would find that a very large portion of our society believes in magic and frequently visit to these Black magicians, Pirs (people who claim to solve problems with Islamic knowledge). Now a day although situation is almost same but a tiny change can be noticed. Relatively less people visit these Black magicians due to basic education and other scientific approaches to the different problems. Our survey showed that almost 57% of the people in Lahore said that they have visited the Black magicians. No previous data or research is available related to this question. So we can not exactly estimate whether any noticeable change has occurred in people behaviors or no change has occurred at all. The general trend shows that there is very small change but statistically we have no prove. But still 57% is a large part of the society keeping in view that now a day’s education of science is increasing.
Mostly lower class of society who are economically and financially not well off and mostly uneducated tends to visit these Black magicians. The result of our questionnaire proved that it is the lower class who visits Black magicians. 56.7% respondents stated that lower class visits, 33.3% said it’s the middle class and only 10% said it’s the upper class who commonly visits Black magicians. This is very important finding because if some specific class goes to Black magicians it means problems that are brought to these Black magicians can also be specified. Because people from same class over all counters to same set of problems.
The reason of lower class going to Black magicians may be because of vicious circle of poverty (an economic term which means poverty is like a circle and it is very difficult to get out of this circle). People cannot see any physical measures that can get them out of that circle. Their forefathers were poor and lived hands to mouth and they are also poor despite of much hard work. So they think because no physical measures can get them out so only supernatural powers and other non physical forces can change It so they visit these Black magicians. Lack of basic education adds strength to this belief. But the educated people say such things does not exists their point might be valid but in reality have they ever faced something supernatural? Something that does happens frequently is it fate or something much more sinister????
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